Born and raised on an Iowa farm, I have always loved nature, outdoors and wildlife. In about 6th grade my dad had a home darkroom, and I got an early interest in photography. During high school, I continued with photography and science interests. After a career in electronics, with photography as a continued hobby, working in manufacturing and design, and my own service business, I also began video production. Producing, editing, and reproduction of all types of video while also operating the local cable TV channel for two local towns. That experience is closed with over 5000 programs in the can. After retiring I have now returned to photography that has been my passion all these years.
I have always loved nature, being outdoors has been my favorite place. Walking in the woods, following streams, watching nature. In 2010 we bought a small class A motor home and began to see the USA. Traveling thru the Northeast, the Finger lakes, Adirondacks, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, and looping thru Virginia, Ohio and Indiana. We also traveled to the West, thru Nebraska, Wyoming, to Yellowstone, Utah, Colorado, and Kansas. Another trip took us thru Missouri and Arkansas. We also traveled thru Kentucky and Tennessee, to Great Smokey Mountain National Park, and up the Blue Ridge Parkway to Virginia. Gathering images of all the noted scenic spots. My favorite photo shoots though, are the places people don' t usually go, where I can find secret places and images that are not run on the mill. Some of my photography is opportunity, scenes by the roadside, whoa! stop back up, I have to capture this, but I do go out on dedicated drives, to shoot sunsets, old buildings, landscapes. Lets face, I just love to shoot photographs, it is my passion.